Bala Samajam

Bala Samajam



The Malankara Orthodox Church Bala Samajam, constituted in each and every parishes of the Malankara Orthodox Church has the objective of inculcating the ideals of worship, study and wholesome living among all the boys and girls inside the Church.

Through this programme, an all round development of personality of the children is accomplished as they are encouraged to study the Holy Bible, the tradition and history of the Church along with their academic studies. The life history of Saints of the church presented before them develops in them a spiritual and moral life aiming the service for the society.

The Samajam through its activities encourages the children to participate regularly in the Sunday Schools and Church services. Every child between the age of 5 and 15 years are supposed to be its members. 

The Samajam is led in the central level by a Metropolitan as its President and Priests as its Vice-president and General Secretary. The Joint-secretaries are represented by a boy and girl each from its members. Each parish has its own unit led by the Priest as the President